For participants

For participants

We want to find out how we can best help those who have experienced sexual assault. That is why your experiences are important.

Who can participate?

In this study, we invite all individuals over the age of 16 who have experienced a sexual assault in the past year. Participation can be carried out in Norwegian or English.

What will we ask you about?

We would like to know how you have been met by people in your social network following the incident, as well as by healthcare services, the police and the legal system – if you have been in contact with them. In addition, we will ask you about your relationships and trust in other people and society, a few questions about your background, some information about what you have experienced, and how you are doing now.

How is the study conducted?

You can choose how you want to take part in the study. You can either fill out an online questionnaire or participate over the phone/video with assistance from a member of the research team. It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

We would also like to know how you’re doing over time, so we wish to contact you again after 3 and 6 months. At each timepoint, you can decide whether or not you want to participate.

What happens to the data?

The information we collect will be stored on a secure server through the University of Oslo. Only researchers from this study have access to the information, and it will be kept confidential. The results of the study will be published in a national report and in scientific papers. All publications and disseminations are conducted so that individual participants cannot be recognized.

Voluntary participation

Remember that participation in this project is voluntary. There will be no consequences for you or your treatment if you decide not to participate, or if you choose to withdraw at a later stage. You can withdraw your consent at any time without providing a reason. If you withdraw your consent, your data will not be used in any further research.

If you have already consented to participate, but now want to change something on the consent form or withdraw from the study, you can:

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. You will find our contact information here.